15 Signs The Guy You’re Dating Isn’t The Woke Bae He Thinks He Is

So, you've finally landed a date with that intriguing person you've been eyeing for a while. But before you get too excited, it's important to pay attention to certain signs that could indicate whether your date is truly in tune with social issues or not. From dismissive comments about marginalized groups to a lack of interest in current events, there are several red flags to watch out for. To make sure you're not wasting your time with someone who's not on the same page as you, check out these 15 warning signs. And if you're still on the lookout for a date, why not give musicians dating apps a try?

In today’s world, being woke and socially aware is an important quality to have in a partner. However, not everyone who claims to be a woke bae truly lives up to the title. If you’re wondering whether the guy you’re dating is as woke as he claims to be, here are 15 signs to look out for.

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1. He Only Speaks Out When It’s Convenient

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One of the key signs that the guy you’re dating isn’t as woke as he claims to be is if he only speaks out about social issues when it’s convenient for him. True woke baes are consistent in their support for social justice causes, not just when it’s trending on social media.

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2. He Doesn’t Listen to Your Experiences

A woke bae should be open to hearing about your experiences as a woman or a person of color. If the guy you’re dating dismisses or belittles your experiences, it’s a clear sign that he’s not as socially aware as he claims to be.

3. He Doesn’t Educate Himself

Being woke isn’t just about talking the talk, it’s also about walking the walk. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t take the time to educate himself about social issues and the experiences of marginalized groups, then he’s not truly woke.

4. He Uses Social Justice Causes for Personal Gain

Some guys use social justice causes as a way to boost their own image or gain attention. If the guy you’re dating is using his supposed “wokeness” to make himself look good, then he’s not as socially aware as he claims to be.

5. He Doesn’t Acknowledge His Privilege

A truly woke bae understands his privilege and uses it to uplift marginalized voices. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t acknowledge his privilege or uses it to his advantage, he’s not as socially aware as he thinks.

6. He Doesn’t Support Intersectional Feminism

True wokeness includes supporting intersectional feminism, which recognizes the different experiences and struggles of women from diverse backgrounds. If the guy you’re dating only supports mainstream feminism, he’s not as woke as he claims to be.

7. He Doesn’t Stand Up Against Microaggressions

A woke bae should be quick to stand up against microaggressions and casual racism or sexism. If the guy you’re dating stays silent in the face of these issues, he’s not as socially aware as he claims.

8. He Doesn’t Respect Your Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is an important aspect of being socially aware. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t respect your boundaries or tries to push you into uncomfortable situations, he’s not as woke as he thinks.

9. He Doesn’t Support LGBTQ+ Rights

Being woke means supporting the rights of all marginalized groups, including the LGBTQ+ community. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t actively support LGBTQ+ rights, he’s not truly socially aware.

10. He Doesn’t Acknowledge Systemic Issues

A woke bae understands that social issues are rooted in systemic problems. If the guy you’re dating blames individuals for their struggles rather than acknowledging systemic issues, he’s not as woke as he claims.

11. He Doesn’t Take Accountability

Woke baes understand the importance of taking accountability for their actions and learning from their mistakes. If the guy you’re dating refuses to take accountability or learn from his missteps, he’s not truly socially aware.

12. He Doesn’t Support Your Goals

A woke bae should support your personal and professional goals, especially if they are related to social justice or activism. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t support your goals, he’s not as woke as he claims to be.

13. He Doesn’t Address His Biases

We all have biases, but a truly woke bae actively works to address and unlearn their biases. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t acknowledge or address his biases, he’s not as socially aware as he thinks.

14. He Doesn’t Engage in Meaningful Conversations

Woke baes understand the importance of having meaningful conversations about social issues. If the guy you’re dating avoids these conversations or dismisses their importance, he’s not as woke as he claims.

15. He Doesn’t Amplify Marginalized Voices

Lastly, a woke bae should use his platform to amplify the voices of marginalized groups. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t actively do this, he’s not as socially aware as he claims to be.

In conclusion, being a woke bae goes beyond just claiming to be socially aware. It requires consistent action, self-reflection, and support for marginalized communities. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t exhibit these qualities, it may be time to reevaluate whether he truly lives up to the title of a woke bae.